购物篮设备技术设备选项软件外部传感器仪器箱标签泵和压缩机燃气火炬标定台管路消毒连接配件探头检测标的检测适配器压力计GPR - 测试工具调节器断路器适配器空的管路适配器减压器连接软管检测插头计数器连接连接集检测配件充电技术运输和储存配件操作说明


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Test cap DN 25 to S21C
Test cap DN 25 to S21C
Adapter test cap DN 25 to coupling series 21 for single-pipe meter G4/G6
Counter test adapter DN 50
Counter test adapter DN 50
Counter test adapter DN 50 for single-pipe meters G4/G6 with plugs and connection couplings Series 21 - without further accessories -
Adapter 1 1/4 inch ET to S21C
Adapter 1 1/4 inch ET to S21C
Screw connector for 2-pipe gas meter G4/G6 DN 25 1 1/4 inch external thread with screw connector on coupling Series 21
Test cap DN 40 to S21C
Test cap DN 40 to S21C
Adapter test cap DN 40 to coupling series 21 for single-pipe meter G10/G16
Adapter 2 inch, ext. thread to coupling series 21
Adapter 2 inch, ext. thread to coupling series 21
Adapter screw connection 2 inch, ext. thread for 2-pipe gas meter G10/G16 DN 40 - to coupling S 21
Counter test adapter DN 25 SET
Counter test adapter DN 25 SET
Counter test adapter DN 25 SET for 1-pipe gasmeter G10/G16
Counter test adapter DN 40
Counter test adapter DN 40
Counter test adapter DN 50 for 1-pipe gas meter G4/G6 with plugs and connection couplings series 21 - without further accessories -
Adapter 2 1/2 inch ET to S21C
Adapter 2 1/2 inch ET to S21C
Screw connector for two-pipe meter G25 DN 50 2 1/2 inch external thread on coupling Series 21
Adapter Screw Connector 7/8 inch external thread Typ NL
Adapter Screw Connector 7/8 inch external thread
Typ NL
Adapter screw connector 7/8 inch external thread Typ NL for coupling series 21
Adapter 1 3/4 inch ET to S21C
Adapter 1 3/4 inch ET to S21C
Screw connector for 2-pipe gas meter G6/G10 DN 32 1 3/4 inch external thread with screw connector on coupling Series 21
Adapter 7/8 inch IT to S21C
Adapter 7/8 inch IT to S21C
Screw Connector Type NL 7/8 inch internal thread to coupling Series 21
Adaptor extension 11/4 inch ET to coupling series 20 and 21
Adaptor extension 11/4 inch ET to coupling series 20 and 21
Adaptor extension 11/4 inch for 2-pipe gas metres G4/G6 DN25 with coupling S20 and S21 outside thread 11/4 inch
Test cap DN 25 Type EWE to S21C
Test cap DN 25 Type EWE to S21C
Adapter test cap DN 25 type EWE to coupling series 21 for 1-pipe meter G4/G6
Jentsstuk V3
Jentsstuk V3
Jentsstuk V3 Adapter for two-pipe meter with thread 7/8" outer thread and connection coupling for gas pressure measurement
Counter test adapter DN 25 - Type EWE
Counter test adapter DN 25 - Type EWE
Counter test adapter DN 25 - Type EWE for 1-pipe gasmeter G4/G6
Adapter 1 inch ET to S21C
Adapter 1 inch ET to S21C
Screw connector for 2-pipe gas meter G4 DN 20 1 inch external thread with screw connector on coupling Series 21
Adapter 1/2 inch ET to S21C
Adapter 1/2 inch ET to S21C
Screw Connector Type GVT 1/2 inch external thread to coupling Series 21
Adapter 1 1/2 inch ET to S21C
Adapter 1 1/2 inch ET to S21C
Screw connector for two-pipe meter 1 1/2 inch external thread with screw connector on coupling Series 21
Test cap DN 50 to S21C
Test cap DN 50 to S21C
Adapter test cap DN 50 to coupling series 21 for single-pipe meter G25
Flange disc with 2x measuring coupling
Flange disc with 2x measuring coupling
Flange disc with 2x measuring coupling outer diameter of the disc: 150 mm diameter of hole circle: 125 mm The disc is fastened using the four retaining screws on the meter connection.
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