软件 Pi Note
Pi Note - 232170
Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client
The Esders Pipeline inspection NOTE (Pi NOTE) is a GIS (geo-information system) based client specially developed for the systematic pipeline inspection according to German DVGW G 465-1
The Esdres Pi NOTE mobile client comprises the following possibilities:
- Wireless device connection for data transfer
- GPS-based positioning and automatic centering of GIS-data
- Documentation of GPS position, measuring data, sensitivity check of measuring device, date & time, defects, notes, accessible and non-accessible areas (e. g. houses service connection), classification of leakages
- Generation of relevant drawings of leakages on site
- Administration of measuring campaigns and examination sections
The mobile optimized view enables the complete documentation during inspection, e. g. with enlarged icons
Prerequisite for purchasing the software is the conclusion of a corresponding maintenance contract.
决方案,Pi Note是安卓终端的GPS数据记录器,可记录损点、缺失和照片。Esders的检测仪器
- 行进路径和气体浓度的存储
- 记录可疑点(缺失、瑕疵和损点)
- 可疑点的照片
- 缺失和损点的分级
Esders Pi NOTE and Modular System
Our Laser HUNTER can be used in several ways for systematic pipe network inspection according to German DVGW G 465-1. Together with Pi NOTE we offer you the perfect combination for a complete documentation and overview of your gas grid.